Documentation Info

In most hosting accounts these extensions are enabled by default. But you should consult with your hosting provider.

Configure database connection

Login to cPanel and create a brand new database that will be used for XFINITY CRM installation.

You can check this tutorial how to setup MySQL database in cPanel if you are not familiar with how to configure database.

  1. Login to cPanel by accessing and navigate go MySQL Databases, note that this step may vary and in some hosting providers can be different.
  2. Create database.
  3. Create user and set up user password. (write in a note username and password because needs to be re-used later)
  4. Add the user to the database by selecting the database and the username.
  5. Make sure you have checked All privileges when adding the user to the database.

Upload Files & Install

Upload the files to server folder where you want to install XFINITY CRM .

Assume that you uploaded the files to “crm” folder, navigate to eq. – Keep in mind that you need to adjust the URL based on where you uploaded the files. If you are installing on subdomain named eq crm you need to access the url like

Installation will start and you have to pass through these steps

when you open eq. this page then installation will start. you will see first page like this

In next step Installer will check for Server Requirements that needs to fulfill in order to install XFINITY CRM

If all server requirements passed click Check Permissions otherwise consult with your hosting provider to fix/enable them

In next step installer will check for Required Permissions on folders

application needs permission 775
on these folders. you can change permission from your cpanel like on folder /storage/framework/ you can change permission like this

after permission change you will see this. And you can move to next step

If all permissions are passed click Configure Environment

In next step installer will ask you to enter setup environments

After adding environments click on Setup Database

There you will have to add database credentials which you have created in  Configure database connection

Click Setup Application and if the database connection is successfully you will be passed to the latest step otherwise please re-check your credentials and host-name. (usually host-name is localhost but you should check with your hosting provider or cPanel)

After successful database connection application will fully install into your website and you will see Installation Finished page like this

Now click on Exit you will be redirected to login page.

Default credentials After installation will be 

Email Address :

Password : qwerty@123

Even if you are trying to install XFINITY CRM on WAMP you must meet all the requirements.
WAMP by default comes with mod_rewrite disabled.

To Enable .htaccess in WAMP Server use the following steps
STEP  1:  click on Wampserver and select apache->httpd.conf


STEP  2: Find and replace the following text
Find      #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
Replace    LoadModule rewrite_module modules/



STEP  3: Restart Wamp Server



You can install XFINITY CRM on XAMP server without any problems. Everything will work good except if no internet connection you wont be able to send emails.

Few changes we need to do in XAMP default installation.

1. Change the .htaccess

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?/$1 [L,QSA]


RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /yourfolder/index.php?/$1 [L,QSA]

2. IMAP extension manually (enable them in php.ini and restart apache).

Try to install again.