# General Settings

The WordPress Gift Voucher Plugin has a bunch of other customization options and configuration settings.

To configure these settings, navigate to Voucher > Settings .

Here, you’ll see four different tabs in which settings are classified in: General, Shipping Method, Payment, and Email Settings.

Let’s walk through general settings first

WordPress Gift Voucher  - General Settings
WordPress Gift Voucher - General Settings

On the next screen, you can see a canvas for designing your voucher template. Let’s see what options you have for template designing.

# WooCommerce

Choose from enable or disable. If WooCommerce is installed on your site, enabling the option adds a field on cart page that lets users enter the voucher barcode. With that enabled, the receiver of the voucher can use the voucher online as well.

WordPress Gift Voucher  - General Settings WooCommerce
WordPress Gift Voucher - General Settings WooCommerce

# Company

Enter the name of your company/ brand name/ site name.

WordPress Gift Voucher  - Currency Settings
WordPress Gift Voucher - Currency Settings

# Currency Position

Choose in what position to display currency symbol: left or right.

# Currency Symbol

Choose what currency symbol to display.

# Currency Code

Choose a valid currency code.

WordPress Gift Voucher  - Min Max Settings
WordPress Gift Voucher - Min Max Settings

# Voucher Minimum Amount

This is the minimum amount allowed on vouchers.

# Voucher Maximum Amount

This is the maximum amount allowed on vouchers. The admin cannot create a voucher that exceeds these minimum and maximum limits.

When custom Voucher type is selected when creating a new voucher, the minimum and maximum amount has to be within these global limits.

WordPress Gift Voucher  - Expiry Settings
WordPress Gift Voucher - Expiry Settings

# Add Expiry in Voucher

Choose from yes or no. If the option is set to No, the receiver of the voucher will not be able to see the expiry date.

# Voucher Expiry Type

Choose from Days or Fixed Date for voucher expiry.

# Voucher Expiry value

If Days is selected above, enter the number of days for the voucher expiry. If Fixed Date is selected, enter a date for voucher expiry.

# Expiry Date Format

This is how voucher expiry date will be formatted on the voucher.

# Hide Price from Voucher

WordPress Gift Voucher  - Hide Price Setting
WordPress Gift Voucher - Hide Price Setting

Setting this option to Yes hides the price from the voucher when the recipient receives it.

# Add Custom Demo Image on Voucher

WordPress Gift Voucher  - Custom Demo Image Setting
WordPress Gift Voucher - Custom Demo Image Setting

Choose a demo image for vouchers. This image is added by default when creating new voucher. Admin can customize the image by adding another image or use the demo image already added.

# Customize Terms and Conditions Checkbox Text

WordPress Gift Voucher  - Term Conditions Setting
WordPress Gift Voucher - Term Conditions Setting

This option allows you to customize the text that asks the user to accept terms and conditions when buying a voucher from the website.

# Add Custom Loader GIF

WordPress Gift Voucher  - Loader Image Setting
WordPress Gift Voucher - Loader Image Setting

This option allows you to upload a loader gif that is shown when something is loading.

# Select Payment Success Page

WordPress Gift Voucher  - Success Page Setting
WordPress Gift Voucher - Success Page Setting

This option allows you to configure the page where the user is redirected to after successful payment of voucher and after the voucher is downloaded.

# Website URL on PDF in Footer

WordPress Gift Voucher  - Website Url Setting
WordPress Gift Voucher - Website Url Setting

This option allows you to customize the website URL displayed in the footer of the voucher PDF.

# Email on PDF in Footer

WordPress Gift Voucher  - Email as pdf Setting
WordPress Gift Voucher - Email as pdf Setting

This option allows you to customize the email address displayed in the footer of the voucher PDF.