# Adding a New Voucher

If you want to add a new voucher, click Add New at the top. Alternatively, you can also navigate directly from the menu through Vouchers > Add New .

WordPress Gift Voucher  - Add New Voucher Links
WordPress Gift Voucher - Add New Voucher Links

Here is the list of options to configure when creating a voucher for your WordPress website.

# Add Title

WordPress Gift Voucher  - Add Voucher Title
WordPress Gift Voucher - Add Voucher Title

Enter the title for your voucher.

# Voucher Type

WordPress Gift Voucher  - Add Voucher Type
WordPress Gift Voucher - Add Voucher Type

Choose from two different voucher types: Fixed or Custom

Fixed is when you enter a fixed price for the voucher and the user can get the voucher with that price tag only.

WordPress Gift Voucher  - Add Voucher Type Fixed
WordPress Gift Voucher - Add Voucher Type Fixed

Custom is when you can enter a minimum and maximum price and the user can enter his own price for the voucher when buying it.

WordPress Gift Voucher  - Add Voucher Type Dynamic
WordPress Gift Voucher - Add Voucher Type Dynamic

# Select Template

Here, you can choose a voucher template that you have already created. This template is what the recipient of the voucher will get.

WordPress Gift Voucher  - Add Voucher Template
WordPress Gift Voucher - Add Voucher Template

# Enter Expiry Date

Here, you’ll see a small calendar icon at the far right of the field. Clicking the icon opens a calendar to choose the expiry date.

The voucher will expire on the date chosen here and won’t be redeemable after this date.

WordPress Gift Voucher  - Add Voucher date
WordPress Gift Voucher - Add Voucher date

# Voucher Image

Here, you can add choose from media library or upload an image from your device. This voucher image will be used on the webpage. Clicking the image will let the user create and send the gift voucher to anyone he wants.

WordPress Gift Voucher  - Add Voucher Image
WordPress Gift Voucher - Add Voucher Image

# Choose Voucher Form Fields

WordPress Gift Voucher  - Add Voucher Field
WordPress Gift Voucher - Add Voucher Field

The image shows all the fields you can enable or disable for the voucher.

PayPal Enable: Enabling this will let users pay via Paypal.

Stripe Enable: Enabling this will let users pay via Stripe.

Bank Transfer: Enabling this will let users pay via bank transfer.

Name of Sender Field: Enabling this lets user enter the name of sender.

Email of Sender Field: Enabling this lets user enter the email of sender.

Email of Receiver Field: This option is always enabled and can’t be turned off.

Name of Receiver Field: Enabling this lets user enter the name of receiver.

No of Adults Field: Enabling this lets user enter the number of adults allowed in the voucher.

No of Children Field: Enabling this lets user enter the number of children allowed in the voucher.

Customer Message Field: Enabling this lets user enter a custom message for the recipient.