Creating Product Rules from the Product Page
In the above sections, we walked you through the process of creating product level rules from the WC Order Limit tab on the menu. There is one other way of adding product level rule: adding it from the Edit Product page.
If you are adding a new product or editing an existing one, you’ll find the WC Order Limit tab under Product options.
Whichever rules you have created for this product will appear in this section – even the rules you created from WC Order Limit tab on the menu. You can also edit those rules from here.
To add a new rule from here, just click Add New Rule button and choose the settings and options for the order limits.
All settings and options are exactly the same as explained in the above section.
However, when adding a rule from the product page itself, you can only create the rule for this product and cannot select multiple products. This is also why there is no option to apply the rule accumulatively.